Host is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server

The error "Host is not allowed to connect to this MariaDB server" usually points to a remote access permission for a specific user/ip match.
It is required to add permissions to that user and ip from the mysql console:

As an example:
Add remote access for 1 user (in this case testuser), 1 database (testdb) and all IP's:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON testdb.* to 'testuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'testpassword';

Add remote access for 1 user (in this case testuser), 1 database (testdb) and 1 IP ( in this example):

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON testdb.* to 'testuser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'testpassword';

Add remote access for 1 user (in this case testuser), all databases and 1 IP ( in this example):

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to 'testuser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'testpassword';

Add remote access for 1 user (in this case testuser), all databases and all IP addresses:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to 'testuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'testpassword';


For all examples, the password used is testpassword. Make sure to change it according to your needs.


  • remote, access, mysql, wildcard, grant, all, privileges
  • 4 Users Found This Useful
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