Our main goal is to make sure your website is the first a customer see’s when they’re searching for a service/ product that your business has to offer.
When you chose to work with GSS Portal you chose to work with a small number of obsessed individuals who won’t stop until you’re above your competitors.
We only follow proven processes, its no surprise we always deliver results.
It's important to know what and who we are up against. Knowing this allows us to outsmart your competitors and build stronger and more efficient campaigns. GSS Portal SEO campaigns are specifically built out to ensure we include all the elements required to beat the competition.
Off-Page SEO
Offpage SEO typically refers to Link Building. A link is essentially a mention of your website on another external website. Link building helps increase the authority of your website whilst also enhances your brand visibility.
Keyword Research & Analysis
One of (if not) the most important element of any SEO campaign. Keywords are the search phrases which your potential clients would search for to find your business. We carry out extensive keyword research and also analyze what keywords your competitors are targeting.
Onpage SEO
Onpage SEO is the process of tweaking and optimising a website to increase its visibility. As the name states, this involves making changes ON your actual website. Get this wrong and you'll find your website back on Page 10 in Google.
Website Audit
We kick off the campaign by carrying out a detailed website audit. These audits are crucial for us to understand how the current site is built along with any technical errors which are holding your site back. Having a solid foundation from the start ensures we're not building a house on sand.
Detailed Reporting
We're a massive believer in transparency, as a result GSS Portal deliver monthly reports directly to your Inbox. These reports provide an overview of how the campaign is progressing along with your keyword rankings!
Our Methodology
How we make things work?
Our core service is to ensure your website is the first a customer see’s when they’re searching for a service/ product that your business offers.
Our methodology involves analyzing the top 5 ranking sites in your industry and take a deep look at what they’re doing, we then log all this information and create averages.
We use this data as a guideline and replicate the same averages across your site.
Result? A campaign that delivers.
With a methodology above, its no surprise we always deliver results.
Acest procedeu este unul din cele mai importante din categoria OnPage SEO
Este nevoie să determinăm ce cuvinte cheie generează cel mai mare profit (Return of Investment) pentru companie.
Cuvântul cheie se referă la fraze pe care potențiali clienți le-ar pute căuta.
Parte din procesul de audit îl reprezintă găsirea acestor cuvinte cheie.
Alegerea cuvintelor cheie reprezintă un întreg proces de decizie, existând mai mulți factori care determină alegerea lor: nivelul de autoritate al siteului, analiza concurenței pe aceleași cuvinte cheie, etc.
Parte din procesul de creștere o reprezintă adăugarea de conținut nou pe site cu țintă către cuvintele cheie dorite